Peace Through Forgiveness
Peace Through Forgiveness
San Diego, California, United States

Evergreen Course Creation

We would like students to help us create an evergreen course based on a live virtual course we host seasonally. The evergreen course is aligned with our vision, mission, and purpose: spreading healing through teaching forgiveness. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. Azim Khamisa is a thought leader, award-winning author, international speaker, and the founder of TKF, a non-profit organization that helps youth in San Diego. He has been leading workshops and giving lectures on the power of forgiveness for over 25 years. We have taken his in-person events and 2-day workshops and converted them into an online course so that he can reach more people with his message that "Peace is Possible through Forgiveness." New videos paired with previously recorded sessions need to be edited and organized in a way that is effective for a self-paced course.

Matches 0
Category Media + 4

A Child's Forgiveness Story - Animated Video Development

We are launching a business called Umetanoia and need a compelling video to present to investors. We would like a 3-5 minute, animated video that tells a story of forgiveness to a child. Our target group is children aged 5-12. We can provide information as needed. Our Goal – Enroll 1 Billion People to Learn and Commit to Practicing Forgiveness- Following the loss of his only son Tariq in 1995 to a gang-related murder, Azim Khamisa chose the path of forgiveness rather than revenge. This amazing choice led to the Tariq Khamisa Foundation and a forgiveness movement that has reached millions. For 27 years Azim has taught and inspired millions to practice forgiveness in their daily lives. He is an international investment banker with over 45 years of experience. This is a "Moonshot" and we need YOU! Video parameters: scripted animated 3-5 minutes long Tells simple story of forgiveness Aimed at children aged 5-12 This project could include: Script pitch Script approval Filming scheduling Post-production

Admin Dianne McKay
Matches 0
Category Media + 4

Team Project Virtual Event Assistant

We are looking for students to play a role as the scrum team’s project manager. A student in this position will understand the logistical aspects of the scrum team’s projects. Students in this position will overlook the team’s project through a logistical lens Students will help facilitate the team events that are hosted seasonally via zoom. We host a 4-day intensive that has much fun moving parts to manage from a technological stance. The student will play a key role in helping the project manager create a more efficient work process. Tasks include moderating attendance, breakout rooms and partner work, workbook enhancement, chat, and presentation assistance. The final project deliverable will be the live event in late February. See details at

Matches 0
Category Operations + 1

Digital Content Creation - Evergreen Course Video Development

We would like students to help us with creating content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. Azim Khamisa has been teaching forgiveness for 20 plus years since he forgave the murder of his own son. For more background, look up his ted talk or search for his Goalcast video on youtube or socials. We have been hosting online, live events that span 4 days, akin to a conference, that teach forgiveness and self-forgiveness to participants. We have several recordings from the live events that we are looking to edit with our new Powerpoint presentation and course goals to create an evergreen module self-paced course to bring this to people who cannot make the event time contraints. We believe that peace is possible and that forgiveness is the avenue through which people can discover inner peace and joy. To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will: Write content pieces on assigned topics related to evergreen courses and marketing Gain access to a strategic marketing map for course content and creation Assist with a social media video launch to promote our organization and courses Evaluate, edit, and timestamp existing videos for prospective use with mento's supervision and guidance Assist in behind the scenes editing decisions with your mentor Identify media outlets that are most beneficial to share our story Ultimately, you will be working on content creation for our organization, including video, social media, and other collateral that we can use as go-to marketing tools and course creation. If you like the sound of our culture and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you. A student or team with excellent writing and video skills would be the ideal candidate for this project.

Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 4

Animated Product Video Creation

Our organization is looking to develop an animated video about our services. We are looking for a group of students to assist us in the script development, storyboard, scene creation, and animation of this video. We envision this project to include but not be limited to: The creation of a fun and engaging 1-3 minute animation about our services and product functionality that is consistent with our brand guidelines and communication strategy This video will be displayed on our website and shared by email Final deliverables should include: A basic video script A voice-over recording of the final video script Video background music A visual storyboard Completed video scenes Icons for individual scenes A completed animated video with all of the elements above

Matches 0
Category Graphic design + 2

Marketing Strategy - Peace Through Forgiveness with Azim Khamisa

We want students to help us build a marketing strategy to grow and engage our target market. We’d like to know how we can maximize different channels and what will work best for us. The main questions we’d like students to help us answer are the following: How should we promote our company? What channels should we utilize? What budget is appropriate for advertising? What messaging should we use?

Admin Christopher Stephan
Matches 1
Category Media + 3

Financial Business Plan - Peace Through Forgiveness with Azim Khamisa

We are looking to launch a new business and would like to involve students in this exciting time as we works to develop a financial business plan. We can provide access to internal documentation other information as needed as well as access to key contacts. Based on our unique goals and constraints, we would like students to develop a strong, competitive financial business plan, which we can present to investors. The plan should include: Sales forecasting Expense budget Income projections (conservative and aggressive) Assets and liabilities Break-even analysis

Admin Christopher Stephan
Matches 3
Category Marketing strategy + 3

Website Development for Peace through Forgiveness - Azim Khamisa

We would like a new website for our organization. We aren’t sure which platform we would like for it to be built on, but we have an idea of what we would like it to do. We would like to work with students to develop a new website for us. Students should be prepared to: Conduct a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable. Create a design proposal including mock-ups, budget, and timeline. Build a fully-functioning website. Provide training on updating and maintaining the site.

Admin Christopher Stephan
Matches 0
Category Communications + 2

Social Enterprise B-Corporation Certification Plan

We are currently in the planning stages for launching a new project: Peace through Forgiveness ( We would like to consider using one of Azim Khamisa 's existing corporations, after gaining B Corporation status for this existing business. (Perhaps Sovereign Capital Holdings, Inc DBA Azim N. Khamisa, Inc. ) A second option may be creating a new corporation using the B Corporation requirements in the process. One result of this project will be a recommendation as to the best method for us to gain B Corporation status in the least amount of time and effort. To achieve B-Corporation certification, our company must receive a minimum score on social and environmental performance. This is an online assessment that is overseen by the independent body that certifies B-Corporations ( the B Lab ). The assessment covers our entire operations and measures our impact in governance, workers, community, the environment, as well as our products and services. We also must integrate sustainability commitments to stakeholders into our governing documents. Project focus should include: An assessment of our current score, which will allow us to identify our areas for improvement. A strategy plan, based on the score assessment, that identifies the areas in which we need to improve performance to achieve the threshold score for B-Corporation certification. The final project deliverable is a 10-page written report detailing our current score, areas for improvement, and a strategy plan for meeting the B-Corporation certification requirements within a 1-month period. This 10 page written report should be in the format of a “Business Plan” or a detailed proposal that can assist in (a) creating an initial budget; (b) raising the first round of “seed” capital. (c) include bios of our team and potentially the name of the Professor and University. Some ideas of successful examples would be helpful.

Admin Ashley Scarbrough
Matches 1
Category Market research + 1